*When Did Going To Church Become A Sin?

Kenneth Gbagi

By Oghenekevwe Kelvin Jakpo

In recent times, the news media in the state have been inundated with criticisms against Chief (Barrister) Kenneth Gbagi; the Social Democratic Party’s gubernatorial candidate for the 2023 election in Delta State. The surprising thing about these attacks against him is that, they are not because of any known fault or default on the part of this well-accepted illustrious son of our dear state. Rather, it is hinged on the flimsy reason that he is fraternizing too much with the Church of God; the Body of Christ.

Kenneth Gbagi

Many right-thinking Deltans have raised their voices in condemnation of this despicable act of persecuting a man for his love, faith and trust in God. And I’m of the opinion that Gbagi should be seen as an example for other candidates who are openly uninterested in the things of God and open identification with the church of God instead of being persecuted by the powers that be.


I say this because, Jesus speaking in the Bible says that whosoever is ashamed of him before men (in this wicked and froward world), He also will be ashamed of such a fellow before God, His father and before God’s angels in heaven. Barrister Kenneth Gbagi, by his open identification with the body of Christ, has shown faith and dependence in God. He should be commended!

Again, without any iota of doubt, therefore, Chief Kenneth Gbagi should receive accolades and encomiums for not shying away from God like other candidates and politicians, instead of being antagonized.

In actual fact, he should be held out as a role model for politicians in all their activities especially in the pursuit of political power because Gbagi has shown faith in God unlike others who consult and patronize fetish and devilish means to get to power. Did the Bible not say that he that rules over men must do so with the fear of God?! The seeking of the help of God from the church of God, remember, is a sign of the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom. Kings rule by wisdom. Olorogun Kenneth Gbagi, therefore, has shown capacity for godly leadership by seeking the wisdom of God and should be emulated.

I’m here calling on all voters of Delta State to be alive to their responsibility; to see that God is actually using this development to reveal the real and true nature of those who are aspiring to lead us. Most of them are devils in human clothings. We must reject them this time around!

We must shine our eyes and choose wisely from the stock of candidates available. Barrister Kenneth Gbagi is of a different political stock. He, like Peter Obi, has shown love for God and faith in His power. Shouldn’t such a man receive our votes and support for the forthcoming gubernatorial election in the state? Shouldn’t all Deltans file behind such a character and reject all others who feel they are bigger than God or too proud to seek God’s help as Kenneth Gbagi is doing?

The choice is left for us to make. But wisdom demands that we choose a man that fears and loves God. Only then will be be sure of good governance in the next dispensation. Kenneth Gbagi is the man.

Let’s support him.