Local Government Financial Autonomy Bill: A case of a child who grows a big tooth must grow longer lips to cover it


By: Wilbet Ijeoma

The local government financial autonomy bill passed since March 2022 has survived plans to make it not to see the light of the day by series of litigations which was put paid by a landmark decision of the Supreme Court yesterday the 11th day of July 2024.

This epoch-making evolution of the “common” people’s government at the grassroots into a financially autonomous entity marks the end of the clandestine posture of local government with respect to their former paymaster the state government.

This development would without doubt deepen our democracy at local government level and make the council positions more competitive and participatory. The financial autonomy bill awarded to local governments holds better promises and a beacons of hope for people at the grassroots in view of a more impactful and prosperous democratic government where citizens would have a deep sense of belonging and leaders more accountable.

Nevertheless, accountability comes with responsibility and in this case financial responsibility. As the rider right put, a child who grows a big tooth must grow longer lips to cover it. That is to say, the local government Chairmen have just weaned off the State Governors and it now behoves on them to see that local communities develop with little or no recourse to state or federal government. The people are now aware that they would hold the local government chairmen responsible and accountable for under-development or otherwise in the dispensation of democratic dividends.

The President, reacting to the Supreme Court verdict, praised the bravery of the apex court above the whims and caprises of some state players who wanted to strangulate the bill, adding that the onus is now on local council chairmen to ensure that the broad spectrum of Nigerians living at that level are satisfied that they are benefitting from people-oriented service delivery.

President Bola Tinubu welcomed the decision of the Supreme Court of Nigeria affirming the spirit, intent, and purpose of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the statutory rights of local governments. The President further stated that a fundamental challenge to the nation’s advancement over the years has been ineffective local government administration, as governance at the critical cellular level of socio-political configuration is nearly absent.

This monster has just been defeated, and we look forward to seeing how the local government chairmen would evolve and brace up to the challenge of financial responsibility.